The Facts Surrounding Mitrice Richardson's Disappearance

Written By Mr. Michael Richardson

Mitrice Richardson's Father

  1. 2 ½ Weeks To Obtain Police Report
  2. Submitting Altered & Late Addendums To Police Reports
  3. Andy Stark, Malibu Mayor Hung Up On Me, But Discussed Buying Property With Me
  4. Failure To Provide Phone Records & Video Tapes of Entering & Departing
  5. Recorded Conversations with Officers Altered, Erased, & Recording Numbers Missing
  6. Taking Credit for Follow Ups, Searches, & Sightings Conducted By Family & Friends
  7. Failure To Have Behavioral Assessment Conducted By Trained Professional
  8. 3 Male Officers Failed To Request Female Officer To Provide Search & Seizure
  9. Released With No Money, No Car, & No Cell Phone Into The Wilderness At 12:38 A.M.
  10. 12 Inconsistencies To Date With Sheriff’s Spokes Person Steve Whitmore
  11. Case Transferred To City 60 Miles Away from Malibu
  12. Released Due To Overcrowding, But Only One Inmate In The Holding Cell
  13. Released On Own Recognizance (O.R.) Which Was Not Ordered By A Judge
  14. Initial Charge Was Drunk Driving, Later Changed To Defrauding An Innkeeper
  15. Family Was Initially Informed By Jailer We Do Not Baby Sit

Mitrice Richardson’s Disappearance


  1. hello my name is JoAnn I live in norther CA I feel so bad for all of you I have 5 kids and I would be going crazy if it was one of mine I am saying prayers for you and sending all my love to you and your family God be with you JoAnn..

  2. Thank you JoAnn, please assist us by spreading the word, forwarding this link to others.
