2/12/2010 - Father of Mitrice States:
I Always Knew the Malibu-Lost Hills Sheriffs Were Providing Me with Untruths and Deception-- So What Do We Do About It?
Billboard Campaign
Believe it or not, I knew early on that the Sheriffs were withholding information about video tapes and additional information regarding Mitrice. According to Malibu Surfside News under Sheriff's and Public Safety Page 14, Sheriffs routinely use video coverage for evidence. How is it they have video citing a person for loud music and nothing for a missing person? When you're directly involved you tend to pay close attention, and the Sheriff's Spokesperson has modified his reports surrounding Mitrice's disappearance at least a dozen times since day one. Our Congresswoman make statements about working with the family for the ears and eyes of the public, but then refuses to return phone calls from any of Mitrice's family members. When speaking to other Elected Officials, responses are "Mitrice Who?"
This is all very discouraging and does not lend to any compassion or leaves me totally comfortless, especially where dignitaries, who claim to know our communities and want to do what is best for the people who reside in these communities. I continue to do my homework and I feel that I need to prepare myself for a long, long battle in finding my daughter because no one is listening to my cry --- now it is time to yell from the mountain tops and do what it takes to find my daughter and I will not rest until this is fully accomplished!!!
I am hurt, diappointed, digusted and angry at the steps you must take to get local officials to listen to a citizen of their community and more importantedly what it takes to warrant any assistance in a matter that is as serious as this is.
Many residents of Lost Hills/Malibu have contacted me and shared their experiences with the same Sheriffs with me. The problem is most of them are afraid to speak out for fear of retaliation. Well, as many of you know, "if you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything."
Malibu Residents, this is an invitation to e-mail me at mvrichardson@bringmitricehome.org and share your experiences and complaints that have been ignored or placed in the trash, or your children were later retaliated against. If you do not believe you should be involved with what happens in your community, just take a look of some examples (below) that you should be outraged over. Why is the public shield from this information?